This Little Light of Mine

Taking a moment away from my usual bitching self, I wanted to put the spotlight on one of my friends. I won’t use her name.. for her own protection, of course. I’ve known this girl for going on 15 years now, and I’m not sure I’d be here without her. To say she’s been through a lot with me is an understatement, and although we’ve had our share of shit and month long silences, she’s stuck by my side for longer and been stronger than I could have asked for. The girls nuts and often needs like a smack or three across the face. But whether I need a partner in crime, an Abercrombie bag to throw up in, or an ear to listen.. she’s never faltered. Day in and day out, she keeps me here against my will.. And I mean in both Chicago and in life. She knows I love her, but I’m not sure I’ve given her the credit she deserves.

At some point, I’d guess she’ll read this. And I want her to know that every “What can I do to help?, Do you need me to call?, Text me before you explode., Goals?” means the absolute world to me. Like Toews sized world. She’s never given up on me as a friend or as a person, and I don’t think she ever will.

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